

Friday 9 December 2011

Frogs and the amazon forest

Amazon jungle deadly plants and animals

Poison Dart Frog are Considered to be one of the most toxic animals on Earth, golden poison dart frogs have enough venom to kill ten grown humans. The dart frogs as dangerous as they are have co existed with other animals int heir natural habitat as well. The Poison Dart Frog is not a very large amphibian as it typically weighs about 2 to 7 grams (0.07-0.25 oz) and is only 1.5 to 6 cm (0.6 to 2.4″) long. There are about 175 different species mostly in their natural habitat  in the tropical jungles of Central and South America. Its alwayss trange to see other animals eating other animals. But as far as frogs are concerned, frogs also eat frogs. There are some frogs which will just feed on smaller frogs day in and day out as part of their diet or meal.

With different weather conditions and the seasons of the year. Survival for the fittest just the only simple mechanism for the frogs to survive and weather is just one of them. As a matter of fact the Poison Dart Frog greatly depends upon the large leaves of the Rain-forest to provide the right temperature and the right natural habitat from the hot Tropical sun. Frogs are of different types. While some have very good colors, these can be dangerous and people on their natural trail for expedition should just be careful not to touch any insects or frogs as they just never know what could be in store for them.

Poison dart frogs are small colorful frogs. They live in warm humid habitats. Poison dart frogs eat meadow plankton and small insects. Poison dart frogs got their names because some tribes in the rainforest took the poison off of the frog and put it on their arrows to make deadly weapons. Poison dart frogs can be almost any bright color. Some snakes have evolved immunity to these compounds and are thus able to prey upon adult frogs. A snaked called Leimadophis epinephelus has developed a resistance to their poison and will actually feed on the Poison Dart Frog.

These frogs are adapted to moist tropical forests and the dart frog in this area is eating the native or non-native arthropods

Phylum or Division:Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Anura
Family: Dendrobatidae

Identification: Adults are brilliantly marked with contrasting green or blue colored bands and spots on a black or brown background (several color morphs exist).  These small frogs are about 25-60 mm long as adults, and the all black tadpoles range from around 22 mm to as large as 45 mm.

Original Distribution: Lowland rainforests of Costa Rica, Panama, Nicaragua, Colombia

Current Distribution: of the Golden poisonous frog
Established on the island of O'ahu, Hawaii in addition to the original distribution.

Golden Poison Frogs  Characteristics

Golden Poison Frogs can reach up to 5 cms (2 inches) in length and they can be green, yellow or orange in colour. They have disks on their toes to enable them to climb and they have a distinctive bone plate on their lower jaw which gives them the appearance of having teeth.

Golden Poison Frogs Habitat

Golden Poison Frogs are mostly found in areas of  the Pacific coast of Colombia, South America. The golden dart frogs are at home in the  rainforests and tend to live close to small  rivers , lakes and streams.

Golden Poison Frogs Diet
As far as food for the frog is concerned,  the golden Poison Frogs mainly feeds on ants, but they also eat other insects and small invertebrates as well.

Golden Poison Frogs Breeding

There is no time as good as the rainy season for every frog out there in the wild. Golden Poison Frogs breed during the rainy season. Just before the onset of the rainy season, frogs will just come out and start their noise to welcome the rain and the mating season as well. What a beautiful sight to see and to hear when you can be in the frogs shoes. The female golden poisonous frog lays her eggs in moist leaf litter or under rocks. The male fertilizes the eggs then he regularly visits them until they hatch. 

With this process already set in motion, many other predators such as small birds big fish snakes crocodiles alligators are also happy to see the new meal at their doorstep.  Once the tadpoles have hatched the male carries them on his back to a larger area of water where they can complete their metamorphosis. For the golden poisonous frog that survive are always at the mercy of the natural weather conditions and the new climatic conditions and wildfires which are ever ending as par of the causes of their endangerment as well.

Golden Poison Frogs Interesting Facts

Golden Poison Frogs are also known as: Golden Dart Frog
Golden Poison Frogs are considered to be the most poisonous vertebrate in the world. But when these beautiful animals are kept in captivity they are not poisonous as they do not eat their natural diet. Its about time that people should always leave these wild animals insects and reptiles in their natural habitat. Tempering with their own natural life cycle hinders their own reproduction hibernation and the will to survive in captivity.

#FrogsOfTheAmazon, #AmazonRainforest, #RainforestConservation, #AmphibianConservation, #FrogPhotography, #RainforestWildlife, #AmazonBiodiversity, #FrogResearch, #FrogProtection, #AmazonExploration, #RainforestHabitat, #RainforestEcosystem, #AmphibianDiversity, #AmazonFrog, #RainforestAdventures, #AmazonWildlife, #FrogSanctuary, #RainforestDiscovery, #AmazonNature, #FrogConservation.


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