

Dangerous Reptiles

Dangerous  Reptiles of the wild

We all are aware of the fact about king cobra being the largest venomous snake in the world measuring 10-12 feet in length. But did you know that it is the only known snake that builds a nest for egg incubation? Strange and weird, but a true fact! And if that isn’t enough, take this one. Crocodiles are the largest reptiles, with the estuarine crocodile being the largest of them all, measuring 8 meters. These are just two of the many unknown and interesting facts about reptiles that are sure to surprise you and give you a tickle in your tummy. These air-breathing and cold-blooded animals called reptiles have their entire skin covered in scales. With the exception of Antarctica, reptiles are known to inhabit on every continent. Take a look at various interesting and fun facts about reptiles in the following text

interesting Facts About Reptiles
  • Reptiles are classified into four living orders, namely, Crocodilia (crocodiles, gavials, caimans, alligators), Sphenodontia (tuataras), Squamata (lizards, snakes, worm lizards), and Testudines (turtles and tortoises). These great animals big and small come in different colors and sizes with as much lethal poison to bring an elephant down and also to deter a big animal like a lion and scare it or even attack when it sees there is danger.
  • Lizards are known to be the largest group of reptiles with approximately 3,000 species, ranging from 2 inches to 10 feet in length. Interestingly, only two species, Gila Monsters and Beaded Lizards are poisonous.. There is still research going on about lizards which are yet to be discovered or given names in many of the remote jungles of the Amazon and many of the tropical rain forest of the world. 
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out since it is attached to the roof of its mouth. Does this make you less cared just because it doesn't get its tongue out like the great snakes and other lizards. Well the African Nile crocodiles are some of the dangerous animals which without warning can crash your bones and swallow you in two gulps.
  • The longest recorded lifespan of a tapeworm is 35 years. No wonder when you are infected with these animals, the dosage to remove these dangerous worms from your body will take a dose which could take a week or so and a continuous process in order to break all the life cycle of the tapeworm which have attacked your body and have lodged in the different parts of your body.
  • The reticulated python is the longest snake known to grow over 28 feet (8.7 meter) in length, while the anaconda is the heaviest snake weighing 97.5 kg (214 lbs). This type of python is known for its dangerous attacks in many parts of the world. Many of the pythons have been known to strangle their pray and swallow them whole as soon as they are immobile. Though these snakes are found deep in the jungles they have been in conflict with man due to loss of their breeding ground and the loss of their natural habitat.
  • The Tuatara is an extremely rare reptile found on just a few islands in New Zealand. Similar to a lizard, the Tuatara has a unique eye and jaw anatomy that distinguishes it from other reptile species. Also, it is adapted to living in temperatures as low as 6 degrees Celsius (43 degrees Fahrenheit), something unusual for reptiles, in general. These are some of the animals which are almost near extinction or are becoming extinct. With a lot of animal Conservation protection and rescuing of the remaining species, That's the only way forward to see the continuation of the Tuatara before they become extinct. 
  • The brain of a reptile is not larger than 1 percent of the body mass. This means, the brain of a 70-pound python is not even larger than a lima bean. Remember these are some of the most dangerous animals which have the ability to attack without warning when they feel threatened. The idea of fight or flight is just determined with such a phenomenon. Just be on the look out its a dangerous jungle out there with such dangerous animal species out.
  • The jaws of reptiles are structured in such a manner that they do not allow them to chew their prey. As such, they can only tear their food and thereafter, swallow it whole. How would it feel to be swallowed alive. Well while the great cats would go for the jugular vain and kill you instantly, some of these interesting animals would just mung you while you scream but with their venom which could be toxic for most of them, the chances of you making it without medical attention will just leave you miserable and sen you to your deathbed.
  • The temperature at which the egg is incubated determines the gender of a turtle. As such, eggs laid in warmer temperatures produce females, while those in cooler temperatures produce males. Eggs hatched in moderate temperatures result in a mixed clutch. However, the situation reverses in case of crocodiles with warm temperatures giving birth to males and females at cooler temperatures. The green turtle is on the list of endangered animal species is just one reptile which has been affected by the different natural weather condition and the general feeding and breeding grounds. With many of the worlds coastal lands either being eroded back to sea while some of the nesting and breeding grounds have been overwhelmed by different human habitat and permanent settlement, there is less or no room for many of these turtles which make thousand of miles journeyed to lay eggs only to find there is no sand or land for them to lay eggs or the people living in those areas are just not giving these animals the conducive environment and privacy in many of the beaches when these turtles come to nest or lay eggs.
  • Reptiles are regarded as one of the longest-living species in the world. Say, for instance, large tortoises like the Aldabra tortoise can live up to 150 years. Similarly, alligators have a lifespan of over 70 years and ball pythons manage to live up to 40 years.
  • Nearly two-thirds of the world’s snakes are non-venomous. This means that only around 500 species are poisonous. And amongst these, only 30-40 are harmful for human beings. In short, only 2% of the total snake population is harmful to humans. However, there are more venomous snakes than non-venomous snakes in Australia.
  • You must have heard of the African egg-eating snake that loves to dine on the eggs of other animals. To continue the story, this snake swallows the entire egg and cracks it open using tiny “spikes” located in its spine. It then consumes the nutritious contents of the eggs and vomits out the unneeded egg shells in a neatly folded piece.
  • About one-fifth snakes give birth to young ones contrary to the popular belief of them laying eggs. Rattlesnakes and boa constrictors are examples of snakes that bear live young.
  • Some lizards have tongues that are unbelievably longer than their entire bodies.
  • Most reptiles have a three-chamber heart with the exception of crocodiles and alligators having four-chambers.
  • Did you know that reptiles do not have sweat-glands?
  • The basilisk lizard is born with a unique ability to walk on water without sinking. It is due to this distinctive characteristic that it is also called “The Jesus Christ Lizard”. Its amazing to see this animal walk on water. While it takes a rare moment to see this beautiful animal walk on water, there are a few people who have been able to capture on video this beautiful animal walk on water. 
  • Though most reptiles are carnivorous finding their food in insects, other reptiles, and small animals, some reptiles are herbivorous, plant-eating animals. Just remember there are no better insect or animal control pest better than these reptiles. they have been able to control many of the pest which are harmful to may of the crops and to some extent, these animals are playing an important part as far as ecology and keeping a balance in protection and control of many of the dangerous and harmful insects such as mosquito larva or when the mosquitoes are fully grown as they are the number one killer of humans in the world.
  • Surprisingly, turtles were present on the earth planet even before dinosaurs came into being. Are we going to see an extinction of turtles as well just like the extinction of may of the worlds rare animal species? Only time will tell if there is no proper information about animals available in different parts of the world on how to take care of these animals and some education on what these animals do to our society and people to be communicated about animals in their naturalhabitat and how we can make them live with harmony in their natural habitat as well.
Hope, this information must have brought light to many interesting facts about reptiles. So, the next time, you spot a snake, think twice before attacking it for it could just be one of the many harmless reptiles.