

Beautiful dangerous African Elephants

Africa top ten Beautiful dangerous African Elephants
People wonder as to what are the most dangerous animals in Africa? At the same time you get that these dangerous animals in Africa are the same animals which people get good photographs when they go to any African safaris. There are many beautiful facts about these beautiful dangerous African elephants and beautiful; pictures and photos about these dangerous African elephants in their natural habitat as well which has transformed these beautiful hippopotamus to be some of Africa's most dangerous animals and some of the world's top ten  most beautiful dangerous animals or animal species.  Africa's  top 10 list of of the most dangerous beautiful and most deadliest animals and exotic pets  includes:  great white shark, buffalo, elephant, puff adder, and of the hippo, lion, crocodile, mosquito, black mamba

It's unlikely you'll bump into an elephant outside of a protected wildlife reserve, but when you encounter this 12,000 lb beast, things can potentially get ugly. African elephants, especially older bulls and young males, can be aggressive even when they're not provoked. Most deaths occur by the elephant trampling their victims to death, like a recent case of a school girl killed in Kenya. In places where poaching is rife and/or the elephants' habitats are threatened, elephants are more aggressive.

Elephant Fun Facts:
Common name: African, savannah elephant
Elephant Swahili Name: Tembo
Other elephant names: Jumbo, Tusk, Tusker
Elephants live in rain forests, deserts and savannas.
An elephant's trunk has more than 40,000 muscles
In Asia, elephants were used to crush prisoners to death as a method of execution.

The beautiful African forest elephant is considered as a threatened endangered  species. The African Elephant: the top ten most dangerous animal 
The African Bush Elephant or the dangerous African Savanna Elephant (Loxodonta africana) is larger of than two species of African elephant. The great Savannah elephant and the African Forest Elephant have usually been classified as a single species, known as the beautiful dangerous African Elephant. The largest African elephant ever recorded was 4 meters at the shoulder and weighed ten tonnes

While most of the dangerous elephant animal attacks take place in many of the African countries from south of the Sahara desert to South Africa with an estimated over 500000 number of African elephants in the world.

Elephants attack without warnings; they can kill other animals and also come to rescue other animals when they are in danger too. There are many cases where elephants have killed their trainer and zoo keepers too. Farmers are not spared while those of an African Safari also get attacked my giant African elephants too.

How to avoid dangerous African elephant attacks: 
Walk careful when you in an elephant habitat, be wise don’t startle an elephant when you see one as any unwanted and unfriendly moves will induce the giant elephant to charge. 

If the elephant  seems to want to finish you, make some noise and run for your life. If there is a tall strong tree. Sound the horn of your vehicle while in the jungle or steadily back off. All in all just stay away from these dangerous animals because when elephants attack they will almost leave you dead

African Elephant facts and figures

African elephants are larger in stature than Asian elephants and are considered the largest mammal anywhere on land. Males can stand almost 13 feet tall and weigh close to 13,000 pounds. Females are just as majestic, reaching heights up to 8.5 feet and more than 7,000 pounds in weight.

The large ears of African elephants are a signature feature of these creatures native to the African continent and help to keep the animals cool in the often brutal African heat. Another special feature are the two finger like appendages at the end of their long trunk which helps them to pick up small items. Their long ivory tusks are used for defending themselves from other animals, for stripping bark from trees and as a digging implement to pull up roots to eat. Fruit, bark, roots and grasses are among the 300 pounds of food that African Elephants usually consume on a daily basis. African elephants spend much of their time roaming over wide areas in search of enough food and they do not spend much of their time sleeping.

Unfortunately the value of their tusks make African elephants an endangered species as illegal poaching is a continuing problem despite an international ban on ivory trade in 1990. It is estimated that a population that once was over one and a quarter million elephants has dwindled down to a mere 10,000 African Elephants.

African elephants are highly intelligent animals. Although the males or bulls tend to roam freely, the females, known as cows, congregate in family units known as herds with their young. The gestation period for a baby elephant is almost 2 years, with cows giving birth every 2 to 4 years.Elephants all over the world are unpredictable animals, and have been known to kill zoo keepers, their owners and many  who have been with them for as long as 15 years. The fact remains that  even the tamest of elephants can attack without warning. Remember its an elephant jungle out there! 

Elephants have got the biggest brains and apart from man, elephants are some of the most intelligent animals in the world and regarded as one of the world's most dangerous animals.
Elephant Attacks:  300-500 elephant related attacks and deaths a year.
Elephant habitat: Africa and India.
Method of dispatch: The elephant average size weighs over 6 tons. Elephants  trample and gore using their dangerous sharp tusks. Elephants cause a lot of damage to crops and property. People have had to contend with elephants destroying their crops.  However, it is the elephants who have had the greatest burden.  They have been hunted and poached for their ivory tusks, been prevented from migrating between feeding and water sites, and have lost due to conversion into agricultural areas and human dwellings.  

While the whole elephant population throughout Africa is declining, some countries in southern Africa have the opposite problem: too many elephants.  The future of the elephant in Africa is a complex issue that will need to resolve overpopulation in some areas and under population in others.

Africa blessed with the most beautiful animals in the world, the African savannah has also produced many of the world’s dangerous animals ever seen. Elephants are the largest amazing land mammals in the world.

The African elephant tops part of the list of the most dangerous animal on earth.  In many parts of the world, there are dark to brown elephants, gray to black elephants, red to pink elephants depending on the eyes of the beholder and the great white or albino elephants as people call these dangerous beautiful elephants. These dangerous species of elephant live in the jungles of Africa and Asia.

The African Elephant: the top ten most dangerous animal
The African Bush Elephant or the dangerous African Savanna Elephant (Loxodonta africana) is larger of than two species of African elephant. The great Savannah elephant and the African Forest Elephant have usually been classified as a single species, known as the beautiful dangerous African Elephant. The largest African elephant ever recorded was 4 meters at the shoulder and weighed ten tonnes

While most of the dangerous elephant animal attacks take place in many of the African countries from south of the Sahara desert to South Africa with an estimated over 500000 number of African elephants in the world,

Elephants attack without warnings; they can kill other animals and also come to rescue other animals when they are in danger too. There are many cases where elephants have killed their trainer and zoo keepers too. Farmers are not spared while those of an African Safari also get attacked my giant African elephants too.

The Asian Elephant

Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and China make the total number of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) to be around 50,000 elephants in Asia. The elephants are responsible for over 400 fatalities every year in different parts of the world. Elephants are dangerous animals and should not be tampered with.

The dangerous Asian elephants are some of the biggest elephants in the world located in may parts of the Asian tropical forests. The gray Asian elephant coloration provides them with a very good elephant habitat. These dangerous elephants can use their six major muscles which are extended to the truck and reach the ground to get hold of objects, grab all the elephant food on top of trees and on the ground as wee.

These clever dangerous elephants find pleasure when they squirt gallons of water over their backs or into their mouths, or blow their favourite elephant dirt onto their backs during dust baths. What is always a result of these dirt baths? These giant elephants come out with a different outlook. White elephants, red elephants, brown elephants, black elephants depending on the type of bath the elephant has taken.

The elephant Loss of habitat

The Asian Elephants have caused and are still causing great damage to crops of many farmers. Elephants attacks cases in Asia are still many where people have been killed with dangerous elephant who have gone on rampage.  Asian Males elephants in musth are responsible for many deadly elephant attacks.

The Asian  Elephants is very important to the cultures and religions of many Asian countries  such as India, Sri Lanka, Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Bangladesh, and southern China, Myanmar (Burma), Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

in most of their range, which inspires support for habitat protection measures, continued studies about elephants and their conservation needs, and efforts to mitigate conflicts between elephants and people. Despite the fact the Asian elephants have been tamed with expert elephant trainers for decades as beasts of burden with dates ranging as far as 4,000 years these Asian elephants had to do the elephant job which was mainly hauling lumber, elephant ware fare, transportation and for prestige. While the female Asian elephants were not blessed with beautiful dangerous tusks, it’s the dangerous male elephant which is responsible for many of the dangerous attacks in Asia.

Decades of elephant hunting and the dangerous elephant habitat destruction has diminished the huge number of the Asian elephants. The Asian male elephants are being attacked and killed for their huge tusks

Elephant facts and figures

Elephants all over the world are unpredictable animals, and have been known to kill zoo keepers, their owners and many  who have been with them for as long as 15 years. The fact remains that  even the tamest of elephants can attack without warning. Remember its an elephant jungle out there! Elephants have got the biggest brains and apart from man, elephants are some of the most intelligent animals in the world and regarded as one of the world's most dangerous animals.

Elephant Attacks:  300-500 elephant related attacks and deaths a year.
Elephant habitat: Africa and India.
Method of dispatch: The elephant average size weighs over 6 tons. Elephants  trample and gore using their dangerous sharp tusks. Elephants cause a lot of damage to crops and property.

How to avoid dangerous elephant attacks: Walk careful when you in an elephant habitat, be wise don’t startle an elephant when you see one as any unwanted and unfriendly moves will induce the giant elephant to charge.

If the elephant  seems to want to finish you, make some noise and run for your life. If there is a tall strong tree. Sound the horn of your vehicle while in the jungle or steadily back off. All in all just stay away from these dangerous animals because when elephants attack they will almost leave you dead.

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